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Materne - le bonheur des fruits
Black Fruitday - tot 60% korting
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h1 HTML5 Kitchen Sink

h2 Back in my quaint garden

h3 Jaunty zinnias vie with flaunting phlox

h4 Five or six big jet planes zoomed quickly by the new tower.

h5 Expect skilled signwriters to use many jazzy, quaint old alphabets effectively.
h6 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

This paragraph is nested inside an article. It contains many different, sometimes useful, HTML5 tags. Of course there are classics like emphasis, strong, and small but there are many others as well. Hover the following text for abbreviation tag: abbr. Similarly, you can use acronym tag like this: ftw. You can define deleted text which often gets replaced with inserted text.

You can also use keyboard text, which sometimes is styled similarly to the <code> or samp tags. Even more specifically, there is a tag just for variables. Not to be mistaken with blockquotes below, the quote tag lets you denote something as quoted text. Lastly don't forget the sub (H2O) and sup (E = MC2) tags.

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